AICEL is the Italian Electronic Commerce Association officially established in 2007 to create a point of reference in the internet sales sector; to date it includes over 1200 member companies. (AICEL website)


The choice of AICEL arose, initially, from the willingness of staff and managers to offer clear, complete and exhaustive information; already on the AICEL website you can find a lot of useful information. Over time we have been able to see the professionalism and seriousness of the people, their availability for any need, a very useful newsletter that allows you to be constantly updated especially with the activation of webinars which, addressing the many aspects of the e-commerce sector, they offer an informative overview suitable for developing reflections and insights in order to adapt one's business strategies to the market situation; I believe that the topics are very useful, especially for small and medium-sized virtual shops that cannot adopt strategies like large and renowned e-commerce companies.


ItalianOils choice to become a member of a trade association has always been contemplated since the drafting of the first business plan, evaluated as an investment for growth opportunities, updating and to pursue a philosophy of correctness and transparency .


The opportunity offered by AICEL in boasting the "I'm Safe" certification, in addition to making us proud, is intended to be a demonstration of our commitment to pursuing ethics and professionalism not only in the choice of products but in all aspects of online sales.


We warmly thank AICEL for the work it does every day.


The ItalianOils management

Elvio Meneghel